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Polymex Resin c25

Polymer structure:
Functional group: HSO – 3
Appearance: Light brown bead
Ionic form: Na+ type
Total exchange capacity: ≥ 4.5 mmol/g(dry) (Na+ type)
Total exchange capacity: ≥ 1.9 mmol/ml (Na+ type)
Moisture content: 46-50% (Na+ type)
Density: 1.25-1.29 g/ml (Na+ type)
Shipping weight: 0.77.087 g/ml (Na+ type)
Particle size: 0.315-1.25 mm ≥ 95% <0.315mm ≤1%
Effective particle size: 0.40-0.60mm
Uniformity coefficient: ≤1.7
Attrition rate: ≥90%
Swell, Max.: Na+ -H+ 10%


Polymex Resin is a high capacity strongly acidic cation exchanger in bead form. It is based on cross-linked polystyrene and has a gel structure. The resin contains sulphonic acid functional groups. It is supplied moist in the sodium form.

Polymex Resin is used most widely in sodium form for water softening applications. It can be used also in two-stage de-ionising as the cation exchanger in the hydrogen cycle.

• High exchange capacity
• High mechanical strength
• Uniform particle with good hydraulics characteristic
• Good Selectivity
• Good Thermo-tolerant characteristic
• Excellent physical and chemical stability


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